ITU‑R WP1A is a part of Study Group 1 in ITU, covering Spectrum Management Issues. WP1A specifically covers spectrum engineering techniques. Of particular interest to IARU is the work currently under way to consider the implications of the introduction of Wireless Power Transmission (WPT) technologies and applications, including the high-power charging of electric vehicles. IARU’s concerns (and those of other radio services) relate to the possibility of spurious emissions from WPT charging systems impacting the radiocommunications spectrum. There are generally two meetings of WP1A each year.
ITU Reports which have been produced relating to WPT can be found as follows:
ITU‑R SM.2303 — Wireless power transmission using technologies other than radio frequency beam
ITU‑R SM.2449 — Technical characteristics and impact analyses of non-beam inductive wireless power transmission for mobile and portable devices on radiocommunication services
ITU‑R SM2451 — Assessment of impact of wireless power transmission for electric vehicle charging on radiocommunication services
Work is also under way on a further Report/Recommendation on emissions from WPT systems (Limits and measures to mitigate the impact of wireless power transmission systems on radiocommunications services operating below 30 MHz).
IARU is actively involved in the ITU discussions on WPT and has input a number of papers on the subject.