
The International Amateur Radio Union has been the worldwide voice of radio amateurs, securing and safeguarding the amateur radio spectrum since 1925. Read more about us →


IARU Receives Gift of Domain

Andrew J. Wol­fram, KI7RYC, has donat­ed the domain to the Inter­na­tion­al Ama­teur Radio Union for non-prof­it edu­ca­tion­al use to pro­mote the ama­teur and ama­­teur-satel­lite services.

In accept­ing the gift IARU Pres­i­dent Tim Ellam, VE6SH, said: “The domain offers … Read more →

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HF Digital Mode Band Plan Review

Because fre­quen­cy allo­ca­tions and ama­teur radio oper­at­ing inter­ests vary in dif­fer­ent parts of the world, the devel­op­ment of band plans – vol­un­tary guide­lines on the use of the spec­trum that is avail­able to radio ama­teurs – is a respon­si­bil­i­ty of … Read more →

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New IARU EMC Coordinator Appointed

The IARU Admin­is­tra­tive Coun­cil has appoint­ed Mar­tin Sach, G8KDF, as glob­al EMC Coor­di­na­tor. Mar­tin suc­ceeds Tore Wor­ren, LA9QL, who has served in this vol­un­teer posi­tion since 2017.

Elec­tro­mag­net­ic Com­pat­i­bil­i­ty (EMC) is a major chal­lenge for all radio­com­mu­ni­ca­tion ser­vices. Radio ama­teurs are … Read more →

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