The IARU is a federation of national associations of licensed radio amateurs representing more than 160 countries and separate territories all over the world. The membership of the IARU consists of its member-societies, who have been voted into membership by the existing members.
There can be only one member-society in each country or separate territory. Member-societies have certain obligations to IARU to:
1) Adequately represent the interests of amateurs throughout the country and/or separate territory, which it proposes to represent
2) Meet its financial obligations as a member of the IARU
3) Be in a position to legally act in the furtherance of IARU objectives within its country and/or separate territory
4) Always act in the interests of amateur radio and IARU and
5) Adhere to the Constitutions of both the IARU and the respective regional organization.
The current list of member-societies is available here.
Member-societies are requested to send updated information (changes in officers, addresses, etc.) to the IARU Secretary: