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This sec­tion con­tains infor­ma­tion about the upcom­ing IARU Satel­lite Fre­quen­cy Coor­di­na­tion Pan­el meet­ing, lat­est news and infor­ma­tion about IARU satel­lite fre­quen­cy coordination.

next panel meeting

The next IARU Satel­lite Fre­quen­cy Coor­di­na­tion Pan­el meet­ing will be on 17 June 2024. Sub­mit your coor­di­na­tion requests NLT 15 June. Click for the most recent ver­sion of the coor­di­na­tion request form

Amateur Radio Satellite Frequency Coordination

Since 1961, radio ama­teurs have been respon­si­ble for cre­at­ing a con­stel­la­tion of some 150 orbit­ing space satel­lites. As the num­ber of satel­lites increas­es, both ama­teur, com­mer­cial and gov­ern­men­tal, the need for prop­er coor­di­na­tion of oper­at­ing fre­quen­cies becomes critical.

The IARU satel­lite fre­quen­cy coor­di­na­tion pan­el acts as the focus for coor­di­na­tion of oper­at­ing fre­quen­cies for ama­teur satel­lites. Here you will find a com­pre­hen­sive set of pages giv­ing the back­ground to IARU’s work and giv­ing guid­ance on apply­ing for fre­quen­cy coordination.

Coordination request version 40

On 15 May 2020 ver­sion 40 of the IARU Ama­teur Satel­lite Coor­di­na­tion Request came into effect. Ear­li­er ver­sions will no longer be accepted.

Frequency Coordination Status

Find the cur­rent fre­quen­cy coor­di­na­tion sta­tus for new satellites. 

short information paper

A short infor­ma­tion paper is avail­able, pro­vid­ing basic infor­ma­tion for IARU Mem­ber soci­eties, who act as the Point of Con­tact for indi­vid­ual ama­teurs and edu­ca­tion­al insti­tutes who wish to oper­ate a space sta­tion oper­at­ing in bands allo­cat­ed to the ama­teur-satel­lite ser­vice. This should be read in con­junc­tion with the more detailed infor­ma­tion available.

IARU aligns Satellite Coordination Guidelines with ITU WRC-15 Decisions

Effec­tive 1 August 2017 the IARU will be fol­low­ing revised guide­lines for satel­lite fre­quen­cy coor­di­na­tion. See the news release.


  • Ama­teur Satellites
  • iaru_amateur_satellite_coordination_request_v40
  • Satel­lite Fre­quen­cy Coor­di­na­tion in the Two-Metre Band [PDF]
  • Con­trol­ling Satel­lites [PDF]
  • ITU Hand­book on Small Satel­lites was devel­oped in response to Res­o­lu­tion ITU‑R 68 on “Improv­ing the dis­sem­i­na­tion of knowl­edge con­cern­ing the applic­a­ble reg­u­la­to­ry pro­ce­dures for small satel­lites, includ­ing nanosatel­lites and picosatel­lites”. This stand-alone Hand­book is intend­ed to pro­mote the devel­op­ment of small satel­lites effec­tive­ly and bet­ter serve the needs of the mem­ber­ship and the entire satel­lite indus­try. The hand­book can be found on the ITU web
  • ITU fil­ing pro­ce­dures for small satel­lites, includ­ing Ama­teur Radio Satel­lites can be found on the ITU web  Besides gen­er­al infor­ma­tion about the ama­teur satel­lite ser­vice the ITU web con­tains help­files and tuto­ri­als including 
    • the API Data cap­ture and val­i­da­tion wizard
    • the Noti­fi­ca­tion Data cap­ture and val­i­da­tion wizard 
    • the BR Reg­is­tra­tion Tutorial

Advisory Panel

The IARU Ama­teur Satel­lite Advi­sor, assist­ed by a pan­el of experts, coor­di­nate fre­quen­cies and advise satel­lite builders and prospec­tive builders. The IARU Satel­lite Fre­quen­cy Coor­di­na­tion Pan­el typ­i­cal­ly meets every two to three weeks.

IARU Satellite Advisor

Hans Blondeel Tim­mer­man, PB2T: p.…

Region 1

Region 2

Region 3

Special Advisors

Print This Page Updated on June 18, 2024

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