Text of agenda item 1.12 and accompanying resolution 656 (WRC-23)
AI 1.12 – Possible EESS secondary allocation at 45 MHz +/- 5 MHz
(July 2022)
The issue for the amateur service is to protect its adjacent allocation at 50 MHz from interference. In WP 7C IARU objected to the use of ‑30 dB as the assumed attenuation of the EESS signal in the adjacent band and it was agreed that ‑20 dB would be used in the compatibility study, which is the assumed value at the band edge. Late in the preparatory process a second EESS system was introduced with a signal level increased by 9 dB. The second system of course represents a greater interference potential to all incumbent services. Revisions to draft CPM text and supporting revisions to existing Recommendation ITU‑R RS.2042 and Report ITU‑R RS.2455 should be finalized at the September 2022 WP 7C meeting. In its current form the documentation shows there is a possibility of interference to the amateur service, but that it would be minimal if EESS operations are limited as planned to sparsely populated areas and the middle of the night.