
The International Amateur Radio Union has been the worldwide voice of radio amateurs, securing and safeguarding the amateur radio spectrum since 1925. Read more about us →


IARU Satellite Frequency Coordination Reaches 1,000th Milestone

The Inter­na­tion­al Ama­teur Radio Union (IARU) recent­ly cel­e­brat­ed a sig­nif­i­cant mile­stone, hav­ing received and processed 1,000 satel­lite fre­quen­cy coor­di­na­tion requests. This achieve­ment high­lights the organization’s cru­cial role in ensur­ing the order­ly use of radio fre­quen­cies by ama­teur satel­lites in orbit. … Read more →

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Timothy Ellam, VE6SH/G4HUA, Re-elected as President, Thomas Wrede, DF2OO, elected as Vice President of International Amateur Radio Union

IARU mem­ber soci­eties have rat­i­fied the nom­i­na­tion of Tim Ellam, VE6SH/G4HUA, and Thomas Wrede, DF2OO, for Pres­i­dent and Vice Pres­i­dent, respec­tive­ly, for a five-year term begin­ning May 9, 2024.

Tim­o­thy Ellam begins his 4th term as Pres­i­dent and thanked mem­ber … Read more →

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WRC-23 Outcome

After four hec­tic weeks of World Radio Con­fer­ence and a pre­ced­ing week of Radio Assem­bly meet­ings, WRC-23 con­clud­ed on Fri­day 15th Decem­ber where over­all ama­teur radio fared very well, despite the enor­mous pres­sures across the radio spec­trum from LF- … Read more →

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